Bringing flying on water to life in the great lakes
Let’s keep it short, sweet, and to the point.
Boards Wings Masts
Boards Wings Masts
Efoil North
Family-run, family-owned for family-Fun; Efoil North. Foiling brings non-stop wave fun to our family no matter what the water is doing. Lift foils provide us with consistent foiling on the water for all ages and comfort levels of surfing. With a cleaner footprint, quiet engine & incredible versatility we were hooked. No need for a pricey ski boat, gas/trailer and team to get out on the water. These boards are transportable, easy to charge and hours of enjoyment
Seeing a need to address a variety of abilities and what you want to achieve on the water. Is it an easy run or a hardcore downwinder? Lift Foils can provide foiling anytime/anywhere. The Lift team invented this sport, perfecting the construction of the boards & components with best-in-class research and innovation. Counting Laird Hamilton as a friend they are mastering the highest evolution of surfing.
Board Selections
A feeling that can’t be described
but can only be experienced. Board construction and our best-selling board setups